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Nostradamus C1 Q58: His trances for the sea use chants about Hercules eleventh labor.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, 2022

There are two verses where Nostradamus talks of two heads and a number of arms. That wording enables the lettering to be transformed in a way that make each verse hold one of the three anagrams for SEXTET that occur in Nostradamus' Prophecies.Nostradamus verse C1 Q58 confirming aspects used for validating content The numbering that appears in two of these verses is unrelated to that which delivers their anagrams yet the numeration in these verse can be seen to relate to the concept of a group of six. C1 Q58's text mentions two heads and four arms while C5 Q86 talks of two heads and three arms. And in each case there are other anagrams that identify distinct rare numerical terms such as eleven, eleventh and quartet.

What intrigued me when I made the connection between these two verses is they used nearly identical terms to that I used in describing the code mechanism behind my map for the order in which the verses should be read. Duads and Triads are essential to recovering any data left by Nostradamus since that combination allows checks and balances to be made for every entry of importance. Repeating things in a different way helps prevent any future  interpreter of Nostradamus' work from going astray.

Through a slit in the belly a creature will be born with two heads
and four arms it will survive for some few years.
The day that Alquiloie celebrates his festivals
Fossana, Turin and the ruler of Ferrara will follow
Tranche le ventre naiſtra auec deux teſtes
Et quatre bras; quelques ans entiers viura
Jour qui Alquiloye celebrera ſes feſtes
Foſſen, Turin chef Ferrare ſuyura
L1: <eleven textS retain chanTers Star><retainS eleventh aura Trances executed><near eleventh Starset auStria executed> <hercvlean Strain enter textS Test><teSt reStraint eleven chanTers uxed><chanTers Sextet cued>

L2: <quartEt bars urEa insertive><square equalness intrusive ratE><entire virus equalness><an entries virus sequel><inverts breaquuaters equalness><equal barques intense virus><virus antiqueness equals quartEr-beat> sentries barter unresistive

L3: <rebel eraSes Joues feSt><~leSser-bear cey uuorq oil feeS Jets quail~><Sets bearers fees>

L4: <French-fear user><uuary oF SunSet><SeaFronTS ruin><SToneS ruin uuaFarerS><Ff enrich rarer use oF SunSet tune><So uuayFarerS enchiFfer rr TuneS><enchiFfer unrest><a rarer uSury SoFTenS ruin><STanniFerous (tin) uSury rarer> neSToriuS
1: stanniferous, breaquuaters, uuayfarers, intrusive, eleventh, eleven,
2: antiqueness, unresistive, Hercvlean, equalness, Lesser-Bear, quartet, revisit, virus, auury, uuary, texts,
3: enchiffre, insertive, reinvites, barques, sextet,
4: chanters, tranches, unrests, starset, uneases, tests, jets,
5: squalene, sentries, uuorq, unrest,
6: seafronts, sequela, uury,
7: Nestorius, executed, reinvest, charnel, intenser, Austria, enrich / Henric, barter, usury, celeb, cey,
8: streets, vestri / strive, sunset,
9: inverts, Levent, incur / runic,
10: nitrates / straiten, Cretans / trances,
11: bearers,
12: bearer,
13: equals, onsets / stones,
14: rarer,
15: -
16: chanter, intense, quill, niche,
17: queans, duetx,
18: -
19: Taura,
20: -
21: -
22: Iraqu, rebel,
23: -

stanniferous, breakwaters, antiqueness, intrusive, wayfarers, eleventh, Hercvlean, equalness, Lesser-Bear, quartet, eleven, texts, revisit, enchiffre, wary, barques, virus, chanters, tests, jets, sentries, work, seafronts, unrest, Nestorius, sequela, executed, inverts, Austria, intenser, usury, enrich, Levent, streets, barter, sunset, runic, trances, quill, bearers, strive, equals, rarer, stones, niche.


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