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Nostradamus C1 Q79: Polaris sets the date for the petrol wars of zealots
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, Feb 2023

The Codon verse series in Nostradamus' PropheciesC1 Q79 is in the first pair of the series where codon type discussions are most relevant. The verses in this series have their origin in the Genic series which begins with a verse where anagrams for aim is a spiral code are found in the first line of C8 Q61 a verse in which there is also the lettering for a codon given in capital letters .

This current verse is  also one of the two that hold anagrams for zealots ( az Leſto).See C6 Q50 for the other verse.

The aspect common to the first pair in this series is their linking codon research events to astronomic events at the end of the 21st century.

The text is consistent with a theme of a petrol-war (leur taurop) started as a result of a religious zealotry that inspires radicalised individuals to commit massacres in France. The timing of this war is tied to anagrams for the polar-route (r tauropole), Polaris (s par loi) and loop (opol) which fit to 2105CE when the pole star passes the zenith point of its 23,500 year precessional loop.  There are other rather odd astronomic references that would only make sense if an axis shift occurs around that time.

Nostradamus C1 Q79 Zealots Begin Polaris Codon Base StoreAll of the above provides detail for the setting of one of man's most dangerous experiments which is the tampering with genetic material for the purposes of war.

This topic is identified through the anagrams of the first line where there is a sequence for zeal(ots) store codon NAU chasing    (az Le_ſtore Condo n Au ſch Agin).  The tone of that sequence conveys the concept of an institution eagerly focussing on codon research. 

QcodonTable DNA WheelNow the term codon is used for the formula geneticists have found embraces the building blocks in DNA and RNA. This formula is therefore the foundation of our understanding of chromosomes and genomes and every aspect upon which every life-form and organic evolution rely.





Bazas, Lectoure, Condom, Auch and Agen
are troubled by laws, disputes and monopolies.
Carcassone, Bordeaux, Toulouse and Bayonne will be ruined
when they wish to renew the massacre.
Bazaz Leſtore Condon Auſch Agine
Eſmeus par loix querelle et monopole
Car., Bourd, Toulouze, Bay mettra en ruine
Renouueller voulant leur tauropole.

L1: <zeaL chASing Codon Baze> <zeaLotS chASing Baze Condone-uar> <uSA Condone BeAching azazeL (Saturn) Store><~azazeL ConSorted Being on AuScha (Ustek nr Prague)~>< azaz (nr Aleppo, Syr> LetS Begin> gienAh (star in Cyg) SeLeCtor

L2: <~SEem polarix use meton (19 yr eclipse cycle) queer ell loop~><polaris muSe><moon pole Seem parlous>perusal

L3: <mayBe louze ruin TrouBadour treat>< Tudor zoul mayBe entreat><etrurian (anc Italy) etyma (word base) CraB><ruin matter>

L4: <elenoR uuell poor uuater><petrol-uuar over one uuell Role> uprootal neutral ouuneR lover valour loop

1: troubadour, condone-uar, polar-route, element-role, beaching, uprootal, pseaumes, exquire, Auscha, spumes, maybe, Zazel, Azaz,
2: chasing, Polarix, zealots, bercano, Gienah, being / begin,
3: petrol-uuar, consorted, electors/ selector, aching, scooter, carbine, valour, repool, spume,
4: parlous, enloop, psaume, muses,
5: arbour, etyma, lover, baze,
6: Polaris, etrurian, codon, Brenac, Ninur, zeals,
7: condone,
8: queller, UUalter,
9: uuart, loop / pool (2x)l, crab,
10: entreat, such, poor,
11: quix, zoul, Azel / zeal,
12: rvle,
13: melees, oilx, semele, louu,
14: uuater, unrare,
15: bay,
16: over,
17: nouuell,
18: ouuner, uuell,
19: errant, moon,
20: sector,
21: -,
22: Tudor.

Key Ideas:

troubadour, condone war, polar-route, Polaris, element-role, beaching, uprootal, maybe, Zazel, Azaz, zeal, chasing, codon, base, zealots, Gienah, begin, petrol-uuar, consorted, selector, valour, repool, spume, parlous enloop, muses, arbour, aching, lover, errant, matter, Etrurian, codon, Brenac, Ninurta, Gienah, loop, Walter, crab, entreat, such, poor, zeal, rule, Semele, low, water, unrare, over, bay, Nowell, well, owner, Moon, sector, Tudor.

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