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Nostradamus C2 Q95: Aftermath of comets at the end of this century
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, 2022

Nostradamus Flood Quotes in 1555 PrefaceList of Nostradamus Flood verses tied to PrefaceThe text of Centuries 2 Quatrain 95 ties it firmly to the quote in the 1555 Preface as it conforms with the cornerstone guidance provided in C2 Q93 as to the nature of his major themes floods, universal conflagration, loss of land  etc. List of verses in Superape seriesThe relevant sections of the Preface commentary are shown alongside. These quotes and the verses linked to them are prominent in the trail I compiled for reconstructing Nostradamus' work.

The connections between the verses and quote together with modern topics uniting the anagrams in these verse enables the trail for floods to be followed through a set of verses in a way that removes the obscurities faced by earlier analysts. 

Nostradamus' Cornerstone  verse C2 Q95 for vast floodsThe main verses involved are listed in pairs in the flood series table at top right. I list them in pairs because there is a natural fit of ideas using that style but they also form a cohesive whole with cross-threads between the text and anagrams of all verses in the group of ten.

This verse pairs with C1 Q69 in the flood series because the text of both verses pair with the quotes reference to drowned lands with few inhabitants left. for much the same reason it is paired with C8 Q81but the current verse also has several ties to the two children of the Barren Lady's daughter that is very prominent in the 1558 Epistle stories. The paired verse talks of desolation in band from the 50th to 52nd degree of Northern Europe. This band includes the Chernobyl nuclear facility through which the Dneiper river flows. It embraces parts of England, Germany, France, Poland, Belarus and Ukraine.

This verse talks of a time when usable land has been greatly reduced and the largest cities have become uninhabitable. It therefore fits well into Nostradamus' theme of great inundation. He wrote much about this topic and scattered its details in his most prominent works such as the Letter to Cesar and his Epistle to Henry.

He also made frequent mention in his text of this particular theme and the verses where this stands out also deliver the means of dating the events of this verse (See my papers on Floods and Mutations for more).

The entries in  the text of C2 Q95  fit very tightly to the content in the Preface and Epistle including the story of the great brothers. However the anagrams in this verse are more synoptic than item specific and embrace critical elements of stories told later in the trail for these story lines.

The populous places will be uninhabitable:
Great discord to obtain fields:
Realms delivered to prudent incapable ones:
Then for the great brothers dissension and death.
Les lieux peuplez ſeront inhabitables
Pour champ ſauoir grande diuiſion
Regnes liurez a prudents incapables
Lors les grands freres mort et dissention.
1. <norSe hint a bit><a ninth bit use lies zeroeS Labels><hibernationS stable pulze ><not estabLishable in Seerz lies><inhabit bastiLle><bestial bathin rezoneS>
2. <dreading uiSion><Poison diuide> <rampagiouS uision drained><uSa roaring map uision died><map dreading sauior uision><uSa map eddan uision rigor><ion mapS rigour iS unaided>
3. <elizur gene paRables><capable seeR intrudes><prudent / uptrend caspian rebels><captains pruned Rebels><single ruze sepaRable> <rapez panic student liues> <azure genRe lies>
 4.<less grand reformers> <insisted on remotest><meteors dissent refer><insoLent roleS> <tremors destines Lotion><refers destinies dangers roLls into><notionLess detroit><dangers refer storm tides ion sent>
1: establishable, hibernations, rampagious, notionless, captains, Bastille, insolent, reformers, insisted, noisiest, Caspian, ninth,
2: inhabitable, separable, capable, Detroit, intends, diuide, Elizur, remorse,
3: uptrends, tensions, parables, bitable, stannic, roaring, dissent,
4: remotest, prudent / uptrend, unaided, lotion, negress, bells,
5: inhabit, ancients, destines, bestial, labels,
6: dreading, 
7: reformers,rigour, Bathin, intrudes, rigor, hint / thin,
8: meteors, Ruach, azure,
9: unraided, poison, tremors, rolls,
10: Cahour, panic, reneges, 
11: rezones, phasm,
12: champs, intone, tables / stable, zeroes, rebels, sells,
13: Vienna, augur,
14: -,
15: single, sauior, zeros,
16: drained,
17: turned,
18: losers, table, giro, seerz,
19: upon, raze,
20: habit, died, zees,
21: sides,
22: graels, 
23: apez.

destinies, establishable, notionless, hibernations, Bastille, rampagious, captains, insolent, reformers, insisted, noisiest, Caspian, rebels, intends, divide, Detroit, Elizur, parables, tensions, uptrend, dreading, roaring, dissent, poison, lotions, unaided, Vienna, drained, Graels, single, savior.


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