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Nostradamus C3 Q38: The corporation that uses space science to conduct cancer experiments on captives
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, Feb 2023

The Genetics verse series in Nostradamus' PropheciesIt is normal for any reader to form a quick view as to everything they are reading which can actually prevent the understanding of what is obvious when read  in a different context. Verse  C3 Q38 is a clear example of this since the text gives an impression of being indecipherable yet the anagrams give a different picture. The scenario in this verse has a corporate group mistreating captured people in the pursuit of cancer research.

The anagrams used in rebuilding this verse's meaning are not only modern but of a time that lies ahead of us. A key anagram is that for astronomic (mois contrai) and it is backed by another for astrionic (is contrai) which is the science and technology behind space electronics.

Nostradamus Prophecies verse C3 Q38 Cancers Eugenesis Astronomic Consortium There is also a series suggesting modern corporations involved in genetic science lie behind the events in the text. These include consortium (u mois contr), consortia (ois contra), intercorporate (ontraire et proc) and genesis (s ſeigne). The branch of science in which the agencies with the foregoing attributes are involved is conveyed by anagrams for cancers eugenesis (rs en acc - s ſeigneu).

The above is affirmed by other angrams related to genetics such as generations (ation eſtrang), proteins (ins et pro), generants (n eſtrange) and the slightly problematic but apt genealoguist (gent Gauloiſe ).

Each cluster creates its profile by repetition of relevant and related terms coexisting in the verse. And together they bring unity and detail to the story lines  that are present in the various dimensions of Nostradamus' Prophecies and prefaces. By this means it is possible to assess the extent to which they complement those story lines and provide motivation for Nostradamus to write messages for a time 500 years beyond his lifetime.

The Gallic people and a foreign nation
Beyond the mountains, dead, captured and killed:
In the contrary month and near vintage time,
Through the Lords drawn up in accord.

La gent Gauloiſe et nation eſtrange
Outre les monts morts prins et profligez
Au mois contraire et proche de vendange
Par les ſeigneurs en accord redigez.

The collection of anagrams and words in the text imply it is an involuntary set of experiments to which they are subjected. There may even be minute detail about the way the experiments are conducted using a resonating laser (ion eſtrang - ar les) and accurate recording devices giving a record (cord re) to see any cancerous (urs en acco) eugenesis (s ſeigneu)

  1. <eStonian argentaL Genealoguist><~generationS neateSt LanGuage-toil~><neStorian GauloniteS (Essene sect) neaten><intonate Star angLe Gaulonite See><enStation angLe range> <louiSe antoinete> reSonating reSonant generantS anoint
  2. <most omens printers port rezOlute> <set montmors (Calvin patron) resOlute prints>< solemn rOute profile-getz><solemnest storm rOutez><ports / sport of printers / sprinter><stormonts smelter>pointers
  3. <~evenhanded Age miscount eretria crop~><Augean (very complex) astronomic><consortium Agenda><even-handed Age intercorporate> <unmAnaged consortia><heed eretria crop astrionic recreations echoed peter
  4.  <Seiges ensure can record><cancers eugeneSis (regrowth) order><cancerous geneSis><laser Seeing cancerous gridder><genesiS securance gidez order><aPez gunneries lesSer gridder><Seeing order securance><cancerous gridder generaliSeS> realiSes
1: intercorporate, astronomic, evenhanded, Stormonts, astrionic, unmanaged, Montmors, Antoinete, eugenesis, gridder,
2: consortium, Gaulonite, cancerous, gunneries, intonate, 
3: generations, consortia, enstation, securance, forspent,
4: generalises, molester, Antoine,
5: resonating, recreation, Gauloist, solemnest, Estonian, dried,
6:  Gaulonites, generants, lagout, reusing, accord, cancers, genesis, neatest, agenda, record,
7: recreations,
8: cratons, storms, echoed, Augean, 
9: smelter,
10: printers, gaunt, ridge,
11: Nestorian, proteins , resolute,
12: gedi,
13: resonant, Elouisa, realises,
14: prints, glif, order,
15: eulogias / oilusage, ochred, anoint, Eloise, sieges, strip, foil,
16: resiles,
17: argental, coca, most, eagle,
18: elegant, Louise,
19: -,
20: strangle,
21: -,
22: -, 
23: Senate, apez.

Stormonts,  eagle, intercorporate, astronomic, astrionic, consortium, evenhanded, intonate, Antionete, Montmores, eugenesis, cancerous, Nestorian, Gaulonite, genealogist echoed, cancers, genesis, record, resonating, laser, gunneries, consortia, agenda, enstation, printer, gridder, resolute, recreations,  pointers, elegant, Louise, realise, sieges, strangle, Senate, order.

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