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Nostradamus C6 Q49: The fate of clones as asteroid Bennu draws near.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

NASA is planning to launch a probe to study an 'Armageddon' asteroid that could one day pulverise the Earth... article in New York Times by Aileen AJ Connelly 2016

The asteroid, named Bennu, crosses Earth’s orbit once every six years and has gotten ever closer since it was discovered in 1999, reports the New York Post.

In 2135, Bennu will fly between the moon and Earth — a hair’s breadth in space terms, the Sunday Times of London reported.

The Bennu has been a key cipher used over many years in several of my papers including Nuclear Floods. The anagrams also tell us that at this time the 'clones' will seek refuge in Sudan.

Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:

partial dreamtime danger point defile diameter
De la partie de Mammer grand pontife

oracles argue Leaguers clones confines duads [to] Webbs Bennu augurie[s]
Subiuguera les confins du Dannube

refine searches crashes closer [to] Paris Ferrara 'eff' effranchise chiffre [Fr cipher]
Chaſſer les croix par fer raffe ne riffe

securable aspect fits orb  plagues descent seclude demulcents miller intumesced
Captifz or bagues plus de cent mille rubes

# demulcents: medicinal substance used in soothing or mollifying.
intumesced: to swell or bubble up as occurs with heated liquid.

Bennu: an Egyptian deity representing the sun, creation and rebirth; a river wading bird revered by the ancient Egyptians; name of an asteroid.
The great Pontiff of the party of Mars
Will subjugate the confines of the Danube
The cross to pursue, through sword hook or crook,
Captives, gold, jewels more than one hundred thousand
De la partie de Mammer grand pontife
Subiuguera les confins du Dannube
Chaſſer les croix par fer raffe ne riffe
Captifz or bagues plus de cent mille rubes

NASA is planning to launch a probe to study an “Armageddon” asteroid that could one day pulverise the Earth... article in New York Times by Aileen AJ Connelly 2016

The asteroid, named Bennu, crosses Earth’s orbit once every six years and has gotten ever closer since it was discovered in 1999, reports the New York Post.

In 2135, Bennu will fly between the moon and Earth — a hair’s breadth in space terms, the Sunday Times of London reported.

That’s so close that gravity from the Earth could effect Bennu’s orbit, “potentially putting it on course for the Earth later that century,” said Dante Lauretta, a professor of planetary science at Arizona University.

Bennu is about 487 metres in diameter and travels around the sun at an average of 101,000 km per hour.

The chance of an impact is small but significant, and if it happens, would be equivalent to triggering three billion tonnes of high explosive, 200 times the strength of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

“Bennu falls on the boundary, in terms of size, for an object capable of causing a global catastrophe,” Professor Mark Bailey of Northern Ireland’s Armagh Observatory told the Sunday Times.

NASA will launch the Osiris-Rex probe mission to Bennu in September [2016].

The probe’s journey will involve a year of orbiting the sun to build up speed before it slingshots back around Earth, using the planet’s gravity to align its orbit with the asteroid’s, the Sunday Times reports.
They will rendezvous in August 2018.

Osiris-Rex will then spend a year mapping the asteroid and then hover above its surface to pick up some rubble, before flying back to Earth.

For scientists, the chance of obtaining chunks of a carbonaceous asteroid is exciting. “Bennu is a carbonaceous asteroid, an ancient relic from the early solar system that is filled with organic molecules,” Lauretta said. “Asteroids like Bennu may have seeded the early Earth with this material, contributing to the primordial soup from which life emerged.”

For the rest of the world, Osiris-Rex’s most important task may be the measurements it makes of a newly discovered force called the Yarkovsky effect, that can send asteroids careening around the solar system and potentially toward Earth.

This force makes Bennu’s trajectory hard to predict, but scientists know its position has shifted 160km since 1999.

“We need to know everything about Bennu — its size, mass and composition,” said Lauretta. “This could be vital data for future generations.”

L1: <aMend-programme defile a part die><and feeD point dreaMtime germ lap><and feeD point partial graMmer deem><pond diaMeter grammer><fit pond>pardon

L2: <bennuS confines Duads><argue /uuager finds clones><oracles beuuig uuebS><bennuS in falconers Duads><solace greuu>leaguers forensical / falconries

L3: <~cloSer Chafers refine rare eff far pix~><eff refine CraSheS recoils><ferrara enChiffer pix a leSSer score><refine eff SearCheS closer pairx>ShareS

L4: <aspeCt robz if plagues intumesced><bluer aspeCt if intumesced ague robz><ill demulcents><miller Cubes pulses if apt><rub aseptiC millet><usage rob fitz sPace rub><mill descent plus ague robz fit spaCe rub><paCts>seCurable
1: amend-programme / programmed-name, effranchise, dreamtime, mammered, chiffre, Borga / Gorab, cubes, Bennu,
2: demulcents, securable, confines, affiche, duads,
3: intumesced, forensical / falconries, enchiffre, partial,
4: falconers, plagues, grab, 
5: miller, defile, Ferrara, finds, fitz,
6: Culdees / seclude, Dimeter,
7: riff, fife, bag,
8: diameter, leaguers, aseptic, descent, Parix / pairx, duad, nun,
9: searches, Gauuler, 
10: recoils, cement, closer,
11: decent,
12: -
13: oracles, aspect / epacts,
14: chafes, pacts, shares, refine, paled, pix,
15: solace,
16: chafe, capes, / space,
17: bluer, mill, pond,
18: seduce, fleed,
19: tirade, infer / finer,
20: apart,
21: chasers / crashes, feint, greuu, Emma,
22: uuager, Medea, caps,
23: tired / tried, dud.

amend-programme, dreamtime, effranchise, chiffre, mammered, cubes, Bennu, demulcents, confines, intumesced, plagues, forensical, duads, securable, enchiffre, falconers, partial, grab, Ferrara, miller, defile, finds, Dimeter, riff, fitz, Paris, Leaguers, seclude, descent, closer, searches, oracles, decent, aspect, refine, bluer, mill, pond, solace, seduce, tired.


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