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Nostradamus C6 Q94: Greenhouse emissions lead to northern nations murdering eastern refugees.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

In every verse the collective nature of the anagrams is far more significant than any readability in its strings since Nostradamus' ciphers act like key words used in internet searches. It is inevitably so because of the complexity of the verses as each quatrain serves several master. In this verse the gestalt of the anagrams focuses on directional location with the north and east being significant. The North-Sea and the Nordic countries is one such focal point and Rhodes in the Eastern mediterranean is another. The impact of the text is enlarged when the final two French words ' Serre Serre' are ascribed their modern meaning of 'greenhouse emissions'.

Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:

Seer argues reversionary version irony sex aura fired
Vn Roy ire ſer a aux ſedifragues

quatrein querant credits Rhodesian reurged NorthSea thrones indirect guides recordists oganised another dissector intercrossed
Quant interdicts ſeront harnois de guerre

apositional options superaccurate replaces nations falser sanctions usage
La poiſon taincte au ſuccre par les fragues

murex reaper truer measures - randomists tardiness Easterners Seer ordains
Par eaux meurtris mors diſant ſerre ſerre.
A King will be angry with the see-breakers,
When arms of war will be prohibited:
The poison tainted in the sugar for the strawberries
Murdered by waters, dead, saying greenhouse emissions.
Vn Roy ire ſer a aux ſedifragues
Quant interdicts ſeront harnois de guerre
La poiſon taincte au ſuccre par les fragues
Par eaux meurtris mors diſant ſerre ſerre.
  1. <ReVerSionary usage fired><areaS uxeS><Seer VeRsyon argufied Sex aura>
  2. <urge Quatrein intercroSsed><organised throneS / Shorten><indirect eQuant guides err> <ten antiQue recordiSts><organised diSsect north><odins northSea directs><rhodesian urge Quatrein><dire Sects organised north Quintant [1/5 extant arc]>
  3. <optionS seaL><apoSitionaL usage><poLaris-usage><argue containS superaccurate self>
  4.  <eaSternerS err><randomiSts truer><tardineSS><Seer reStrainS reAper meaxure>
1: superaccurate, apositional, reversionary, recordists, Rhodesian, arguefied, irony,
2: Polarisusage, quintant, indirect, quartern, escorts,
3: intercrossed, randomists, tardiness, options / potions, credits / directs, nitride,
4: dissector, restrains, easterners, actinon, plagues, dissect, another, meaxure, guides, iudges,
5: contains, sanction, Northsea, versyon, ordains,
6: indorse, intent, murex, Rahn,
7: grandiose, organised, quatern / querant, north, thorn, Rohan,
8: fieds, sects,
9: thrones, shorten, poison, uuaste, falser,
10: quatrein, Odins,
11: quintan, credit / direct, fired,
12: nations,
13: throne, glues,
14: intact,
15: anoint, nation,
16: cried,
17: argues, argues, amuxe, meaux,
18: rvnes,
19: acute,
20: -
21: -
22: -
23: -

superaccurate, apositional, reversionary, recordists, Rhodesian, arguefied, irony, Polarisusage, quintant, indirect, quartern, escorts, intercrossed, randomists, tardiness, options / potions, credits / directs, nitride, dissector, restrains, easterners, actinon, plagues, dissect, another, meaxure, guides, judges, contains, sanction, Northsea, versyon, ordains, indorse, intent, murex, Rahn, grandiose, organised, quatern / querant, north, thorn, Rohan, sects, thrones, shorten, poison, waste, falser, quatrein, Odins, quintan, credit / direct, fired, nations, throne, glues, intact, anoint, nation, cried, argues, amuses, acute.

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