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Nostradamus C7 Q34: This verse is part of a series about Essene genetic breeding laws.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

This verse is part of a series involving verses with an anagram for Essenic- C2 Q43, C2 Q71, C7 Q34, C8 Q24, and C9 Q26.

There are only five verses where the anagram for Essenic can be found in Nostradamus' Prophecies and together they reinforce the theme of sexual intervention in the genetic stream being promulgated by religious groups to the ultimate disadvantage of themselves and the world.

This verse is about the resistance of the French people to breeding constraints. Essenic values lead to genetic interventions but because of popular myths they utilise dietary methods rather than those requiring surgery. A consequence of these policies and their failure is the outbreak of mutations that brands new-borns as diseased.  

The anagrams giving a frame to this verse include:

Louise genealoguist endangers grander regrets Gaulonites angel Graal agent
En grand regret ſera la gent Gauloiſe

coutiere revaluing Emirate aerometric meteoric coterie
Coeur vain legier croira temerite

apeliness in Spain evenlines avenue in Vienne renounce Nicene poise
Pain ſel ne vin eaue venin ne ceruoiſe

affirm from it form Essenic epistles infector pestilences secretions
Plus grand captif faim froit neceſſite
The French nation will be in great grief,
vain and lighthearted, they will believe rash things
No bread, salt, wine nor water, venom nor ale,
the greater one captured, hunger, cold and want.
En grand regret ſera la gent Gauloiſe
Coeur vain legier croira temerite
Pain ſel ne vin eaue venin ne ceruoiſe
Plus grand captif faim froit neceſſite
  1. <a GenealoguiSt alterS rangE>< Gaulonite [Essene] regretS EndangerS graal><Gaulonite graal SeEn>
  2. <revaluing meteoriC rate><aerometric rite><leaving cour-ier>
  3. <even i renounce avenue in aPeliness><nine alienS PoiSe a venue cure>
  4. <i affirm grand pact><for it eSSenic aim><notice fit SiteS affirm><PeStilenceS from it><and infector SiteS sPlurge><Secretion Site><Stir- Plagues>
1: aerometric, meteoric, affirm,
2: pestilences, Gaulonite, revaluing, coutiere, evenline,
3: genealoguist, apeliness, epistles,
4: infector, leaving, coterie, pestis,
5: Gauloist, raceriot, Essenic, regrets, anvil,
6: Gaulonites / gelatinous, renounce, 
7: secretion, sapiens,
8: erection / neoteric, laagers, Emirate, Nicene, avenue,
9: endangers, Vanir,
10: reeling, venial, gaunt, egrets / greets,
11: ratio,
12: regret, form / from,
13: Elouisa,
14: Vienne, venue,
15: eulogias, Eloise, sits,
16: algae,
17: argental,
18: endanger, Louise, recor, crier,
19: recite / reiect, pains / spain, elven, liege,
20: -
21: -
22: encites, erotic, sites.
23: -

aerometric, meteoric, affirm, pestilences, Gaulonite, revaluing, coutiere, evenline, genealoguist, apeliness, epistles, infector, leaving, coterie, pestis, Gauloist, raceriot, Essenic, regrets, anvil, Gaulonites / gelatinous, renounce, secretion, sapiens, erection / neoteric, laagers, Emirate, Nicene, avenue, endangers, Vanir, reeling, venial, gaunt, egrets / greets, ratio, regret, form / from, Elouisa, Vienne, venue, eulogias, Eloise, sits, algae, argental, endanger, Louise, recor, crier, recite / reiect, pains / spain, elven, liege, encites, erotic, sites.


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