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Nostradamus C9 Q26: The Essene model for sexual practices is adopted in Europe.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

 Nostradamus Centuries 9 Quatrain 26  In the near future the changing nature of humans brings intercourse problems to the fore and Essenians then become involved in addressing the problem.This verse is part of a series involving verses with an anagram for Essenic- C2 Q43, C2 Q71, C7 Q34, C8 Q24, and C9 Q26.

This verse relates to the creation of a new inquisitor who comes down hard upon those lands where mutation is most rife.

The anagrams giving the frame for this verse include:

1. Essenic stories models esoteric routines Persian princesses  mourned
2. Algerians encapped Graal present serpent fear intones
3. Verdures drums creates space corpse heed echo valutry truly
4. Essenian problems in Levantine boat propels Persian papers Sapiens limbo
Departed by the bitter letters the surname of Nice
The great Cappe will present something, not his own
Near Voltai at the wall of the green columns,
After Piombino the wind in good earnest.
Nice ſortie ſur nom des letres aſpres
La grande cappe fera present non sien
Proche de vultry aux murs de vertes capres
pres plombin le vent a bon eſſien.
  1. <eSseNic Sparse letr modes><priNceSS trio models eaSters runeS><perSiaNs modern leters courteSies><relates iNtercourSeS modes in preSs><Nice StorieS mourned><aS preceSsioN trieS mourned leters><NecroSis [decay] routineS>
  2. <fear apep serpent carnaged non present Lines> <aLgerian son encapped present fear><graaL encapped present fear><garLand>
  3. <Papers secret chore>
  4. <line problems><mob in levent><propels An eSSenoi boat><perSiAn poles levantine bones>.<persiAn ones inventable><even propels eSSeniAn boat>


1: intercourses, inventable, revouched, courtesies, Levantine, problems, encapped, 
2: Nostredame-rules, San-Benitos, precession, Algerians, molested, verdures, mourned, propels,
3: interprocess, princesses, monsieur, limbo, truly,
4: sapropel, Algerian, capped, Essenoi, caped,
5: necrosis, esoteric, Essenian, models, Essenic, boat,
6: Princess,
7: deleters, sapiens, sincere, served,
8: carnaged, Nemours, cronies, echoed,
9: prechose, mourns, Levent,
10: modern,
11: routines,
12: bones,
13: realign, aspect, epacts,
14: mourn,
15: Persians (2 times), ochred, entones, nieces,
16: respans, creates, modes, capes / space,
17: princes, demons,
18: repasses, present / serpent,
19: eldest, elven,
20: sector,
21: pressed, quilt,
22: capers / pacers / sparce / scrape, caps,
23: crops,

Levantine, intercourses, problems, encapped, Nostredame-rules, San Benitos, precessio, molested, Algerians, verdures, mourned, propels, princesses, interprocess, monsieur, truly, limbo, Essenoi, Essenian, esoteric, necrosis, esoteric, models, Essenic, boat, sincere, served, Sapiens , prechose, carnaged ,modern, routines, bones, realign, aspect, Persians, entones, creates, modes, space, demons, eldest, sector, pressed. crops.



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