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Nostradamus C9 Q95: A newly converted leader is elected to suppress childbirth in a new species.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

Nostradamus Prophecies verse C9 Q95 The new clone becomes leader of an Italy based army  at a time when the celestial axle undergoes a unique change as documented in ancient legends.This verse continues to detail the participants in the war and introduces reasons why this war is so critical to the future of man- it is about the rise of a new species of creatures with greater mental abilities than man.

Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:

1. Early Nouuel Occitan faction conduct election re-excite uuave axle underlay
2. James chore uuaqes super ape as UUierds crop map pursued
3. Antecedents attend  source documentaries entitled 'condensate  counters'
4. Cey creed uxed freed caged animal uipers inflame Yeux age  
The newly made one will lead the army,
Almost cut off up to near the bank
Help from the Milanais elite straining,
Duke deprived of eyes in Milan in an iron cage.
Le nouueau faict conduyra l'exercite
Proche apame juſques aupres du riuage
Tendant ſecour de Milannoile eſlite
Duc yeux priue a Milan fer de cage.
L1: <erectile axle early x conduct>< reexcite> reelection toluene underlay ray uuon election relax recite lyra occitan auue

L2: <each map progue(poked) age><uuiser age> jesu cheap usurped uueirds chore uuierds uuird prague pursued persuades durers ursid sudri page apache crop sqeuus

L3: <and our sect tenet lies online mailed><leonine titles><list ascendent><documentaries end><see counterdemands oil><tenanted source><entitles undemocratised><antecedents elites><milder course> unescorted ascent condensate entitled octanes anion cadents s l

L4: <ux cey><caged animal freed><final creed><uuexpiry cued>finale feminal reinflamed inflame aim candelifera(birth goddess) ux alnaim amelia
1: undemocratised, counterdemands, candelifera, antecedents, reinflamed, uuexpiry, entitled,
2: documentaries, condensate, reelection, tenanted, mailed, milder, caged,
3: unescorted, ascendent, underlay, andiette, uuisard, uueirds, uuierds, entitle,
4: toluene, relax, axle,
5: conduct, occitan, entitles, feminal, inflame, erectile, titles, uuird,
6: courtesan, apache, nolan, title, prix,
7: election, reexcite, cadents, spurred, leonine, lineone, refaced, amelia, cey,
8: octanes, pursued, usurped, durers, ursid, sudri, early, layer,
9: counters,
10: cage,
11: sourced, scoured, anion, aryl, lyra,
12: alnaim, animal, cordu,
13: persuades, perssuade, page,
14: online, prague,
15: horace, eloise,
16: finale, aqueus, uuaqes,
17: proge,
18: final, creed, heap,
19: copperah, recite, reiect, jesu, jeus,
20: cheap, defer, freed,
21: -
22: -
23: -

documentaries, counterdemands, Candelifera, antecedents, condensate, entitled, unescorted, reelection, Occitan, courtesan, ascendent, underlay, tenanted, conduct, mailed, Wierds, inflame, milder, counters, persuades, Leonids, sourced, toluene, final, creed, recite, Jesu, animal, cage.

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