Allan Webber at Marino Rocks May 2016

The role of the oldest son of the once-barren lady in the war of the 22nd Century.
© Allan Webber 2016

During the appearance of the bearded star.
The three great princes will be made enemies:
Struck from the sky, peace earth quaking,
Po, Tiber overflowing, serpent placed upon the shore.
C2 Q43
Michel de Nostredame
The three brothers will have their differences and then they will have such great cooperation and agreement that the three and four parts of Europe will tremble...1558 Henry Epistle (HEE8a).
..the oldest one will occupy the furious crowned Lions placing their legs over fearless arms....1558 Henry Epistle (HEE8a).
And while this renewed Triumvirate will last for seven years, the renown of such a sect will extend throughout the universe. It will be sustained because of the sacrifice of the holy and immaculate host at a time when the lords of Aquilon are two in number. They will be victorious over the Easterners, and will make war with very much noise and tumult. Therein all the East trembles in fear of the brothers, not brothers of the North...1558 Henry Epistle (HEE18a).

From the foregoing quotes it is apparent that the male offspring from the once-barren lady are firstly alienated from each other but unite for seven years in a war against the orthodox church. The oldest brother is identified by the land he occupies and its emblem of the rampant (furious) crowned lions. Now one country whose royal line has used this emblem is the United Kingdom. Since there are clusters of verses that reference that country directly while offering stories that are consistent with the wars of the three brothers it is reasonable to deduce that Nostradamus saw the older brother becoming the king of that realm. This same linkage suggests these events occur during the turmoils following the vast floods of the late 21st century.

The date alignment suggested above is easily reconciled with the text of verse  C2 Q43 shown at the head of this chapter. In addition its anagrams, which have been discussed in earlier chapters, also provide a strong astronomic reference to the end of the 21st century through the sequence constellatile wheel appear turned (ant l'eſtoille c -heuelu- e appar -e- nte Dur).

During the appearance of the bearded star.
Durant l'eſtoille cheuelue apparente... C2 Q43

The oldest brother is not Nostradamus' main focus but he is an integral part of the struggle to alternately defend and attack the youngest brother's claim to be the Messiah.  This fragmentary relationship between the brothers can be seen through the text of verses C2 Q11 and C3 Q52 which summarise the legacy that the oldest brother leaves his children.

C2 Q11
The nearest son of the elder will attain
Very great height as far as the realm of the privileged
Everyone will fear his fierce glory,
But his children will be thrown out of the realm.
C3 Q52
In Campania there will be a very long rain,
In Apulia very great drought.
The Cock will see the Eagle, its wing poorly finished
By the Lion will it be put into extremity.

Similarly C6 Q71 reflects on the lesser status of the oldest brother which comes about because his paternal DNA has no direct connection with the genetic lineage alleged to be that of Jesus.

This verse is identifiable as part of the brothers story through the mention of 'Eagles' which is the pseudonym for the youngest son, the one who takes the title of the new Messiah.  

C6 Q71
When they will come to give the last rites to the father
Before he has entirely given up the soul
He who will come to grieve over him the least,
Through Lyons, Eagles, cross crown sold.

The text narrates the story of the oldest brothers' death and the reaction of the brother who he has sought to destroy. The brothers have fought bitter wars in both France and Spain as shown in the subsequent verses that use the pseudonyms, Eagle, Cock and Lion for the three brothers and the Moon for their sister.

C1 Q31
The wars in France will last for so many years
beyond the reign of the Castulon kings.
An uncertain victory will crown three great ones,
the Eagle, the Cock, the Moon, the Lion, mark in the Sun.
C4 Q94
Two great brothers will be chased out of Spain,
The elder conquered under the Pyrenees mountains:
The sea to redden, Rhone, bloody lemam blood of Gemany
Narbonne, Blyterre contaminated by Agath.
C6 Q95
Calumny against the younger brother by the detractor,
When enormous and warlike deeds will take place:
The least part doubtful for the elder one,
And soon in the realm there will be partisan deeds.
C7 Q16
The deep entry made by the great Queen
will make the place powerful and inaccessible;
the army of the three lions will be defeated
causing within a thing hideous and terrible.

In verse C10 Q66 the text refers to an Antichrist in a context involving Scotland, the chief of London and America, thereby delivering a link with the person seeking to destroy the newly created Christ dynasty. The American link is supported by anagrams for rich Texan story (x ante- chri - ſt Roy) while the connection of the Antichrist to the destruction of the three brothers is established through verse C8 Q77 which is the only other verse carrying this satanic title.

C10 Q66
The chief of London through the realm of America,
The Isle of Scotland will be tried by frost:
King and Reb will face an Antichrist so false,
That he will place them in the conflict all together.

Le chef de Londres par regne l'Americh
L'iſle d'Eſcoſſe tempiera par gellee
Roy Reb auront vn ſi faux antechriſt
Que les mettra treſtous dans la meſlee.
C8 Q77
The Antichrist very soon annihilates the three,
twenty-seven years his war will last.
The heretics are dead, captive, exiled;
blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering earth.







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