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NOSTRADAMUS' view of the Future. 
© Allan Webber December 20, 2009

(2017 Note:  In 2009 this paper was my guide to future papers and since then many of the themes in this paper have formed the basis for my publications over the last eight years. I have now added links to these)

Nostradamus' Lexicon of the Future Key Word List

With this series my aim will be to provide a discipline for examining the anagrams in Nostradamus' Prophecies that refer to events that weren't known in the 16th Century.

As I attempt to do so it is essential to keep in mind that humans find it easy to create reality from illusion as pattern-making is the basis behind man's evolution. It is only through discipline and reason that I can diminish illusions thus making it possible to ascertain whether Nostradamus saw the future or not.

Along the way events of the future will of course unfold but that is not my principal aim. It is better that I let an example show what lies ahead. The following line of verse appears quite unexceptional at first glance and it is only when the reader is made aware of the anagrams within it that its evidential powers become apparent. The anagrams are adjacent, complete and they use every letter of the line with only one of the three words occurring anywhere else in Nostradamus' text (factions occurs in two other places).

C.07 Q.19 L.3 Son faict Sera vn long temps de batu.........This deed will be debated for a long time,
C.07 Q.19 L.3
S onfaictS eravnlongtem psdebatu.
C.07 Q.19 L.3 Factions governmental Budapest's.............Budapest's governmental factions

This single line illustrates beautifully many of the rules that are the backbone of my analyses. The words are hard to discount as a product of chance particularly because of the elegance of their structure, their internal consistency and their relevance to Nostradamus' original words.

It is also very hard to above findings them as trivial since the original line doesn't consist of similar words and the discovered words are not simple anagrams but they are long and use infrequent letter patterns. And lastly these uncovered words give us a richness lacking in the original text since it names place and players.

It is these same rules that will underpin the new discipline. In earlier papers I discussed the origin of my rules and showed that they arise from instructions given openly by Nostradamus in his two prefaces to his printed verses. But now I want to go beyond these since the future offers two difficulties that the past and present usually escape.

Firstly any future event has no proof only potential. Secondly once an event joins the past there is still no proof that it was foreseen, only debate on the likelihood of chance. These are the pitfalls whose stranglehold my analysis wants to diminish. 

Accordingly I want to discuss the lexicon of futuristic words that is to be found in the anagrams.

I have prepared a list and tried to show all the major words that occur and some which don't. The list can provide a source of interest for many years of research but at this point the aim is not for the reader to look at it in detail. The reader can use this chance to judge the groupings for themselves.

Scan them, absorb their breadth or scantiness, determine which , if any, you think seem to be Nostradamus' focus. By presenting such a list it becomes possible to make objective assessments that would otherwise be lacking and that is my invitation since objectivity based around fuller knowledge is the first enhancement to the disciplines I propose. Click here for Nostradamus' Lexicon of the Future.

Real patterns of the future.

I ended the previous section with an invitation to the reader to examine the word lists I have compiled from the anagrams that are to be found in Nostradamus' verses (see Nostradamus' Lexicon of the Future).

I believe that it can be validly claimed that this list reveals the evidence of the topics being structured rather than random. There are distinct topics that appear to be Nostradamus' interest while others receive no attention at all.

So it appears Nostradamus is trying to say that the great mutations of our time are based on the environment, terrorism, energy and nuclear events. The terminology is futuristic with a deep knowledge of atomic detail. In particular there is a pattern that identifies the radioactive elements in the Actinium series as Nostradamus' focal point.

It is possible to compare the listings and reach the conclusion that many expected topics such as Napoleon, the French Revolution and World War II are only brief sketches and that global warming is hardly there at all.

There is also little evidence for floods and deluges but the emphases found make it quite possible that any deluge from the sky will be of ions not rain. (2017 addendum: Anagrams for ancient flood words and Gods and Nostradamus' prefaces have since made me alter my view. See my papers on Great Floods and Nuclear floods)

We can also conclude that  one thing which causes irrational fear is not about to happen, the World is not about to end.  Such an idea has always been irrational whether taken on a historical recount of past predictions or on an assessment of the benefit possible if our end could be foreseen.

A point of great interest to me is the very visible broad-brush approach in the covered topics because it supports the reality of the five hundred year time-gap since Nostradamus saw his visions.

The term actinides illustrates the point since it is a broad spectrum of radioactive elements that are not individually named except for the starting element actinium and the final element Lawrencium. Radium, thorium, plutonium etc do not occur as simple anagrams but have been embraced by this more general term.

It has always seemed unlikely to me that we would find Nostradamus' work held the minutiae of daily life. Unsurprisingly these patterns I have shown imply it is only on rare occasions that we will find a name, exact location or a precise time.

Nostradamus, like us, had to deal with the logic of looking too far from the moment and place. In reality we all are aware of this logic since we experience it as an everyday constraint. You cannot see the intricacy of a star as you marvel at the scope of the heavens. You cannot see or hear all the people in a room. You cannot see beyond the rim of your vision as you scan the page.

Nostradamus is unlikely to have recorded the efforts of many individuals, groups or events that are not part of the bigger theme he set out to portray and his theme was, as he stated, the great mutations that he saw impacting on mankind.

One other important aspect arises from even the most cursory examination of the lists and that is that words which appear in the same verse more often than not have a relevance to each other. This provides the groundwork for testable hypotheses using my rules of analysis. An example of this is found in the verse I quoted from in the previous section since in addition to the complete statement Budapest's governmental factions there also exists anagrams for actinides and fluorate both of which are chemical terms. This verse is surely worth more intense examination at some point given that it says:

  • C.7 Q.19
  • Le fort Nicene ne Sera combatu________ The fort at Nicea will not engage in combat,
  • Vaincu Sera par rutilant metal________ it will be overcome by shining metal.
  • Son faict Sera vn long temps de batu____ This deed will be debated for a long time,
  • Aux citadins eStrange eSpouuantal_____ strange and fearful for the citizens.

(See Nostradamus on war for the story in the above verse)

So far I have given access to the topics only but this offers a less complete picture than is possible. Accordingly I have prepared an extended list of words that include locations based on countries and some cities and towns. Once again I would advise the reader to try and gain an impressionistic view of the depth of those that are included and take particular note of the relevance or otherwise of those that are excluded. This shows the topics that are connected to each reference and this makes it possible to define hypotheses worthy of testing and as I proceed with this presentation I will be using the most interrelated ones as my focal points.  

Location and themes intertwined.

On my website I have placed a comprehensive List of Locations that holds the names of places found as anagrams in Nostradamus' text. I have also included a representative selection of names of countries and places that have no anagrams. This site also links the places that have anagrams to any references in topics that are ahead of Nostradamus' period. An examination of this list shows patterns in each of these three entry types (exist, nulls and topic-linked).

One of the major conclusions I believe can be drawn is that the places are Franco-centric which is to be expected since Nostradamus was based in Southern France.

As places become more distant their occurrence is less frequent and they become more generalised but there a few exceptions. However we can conclude from the data that his major focus was not America, Canada, Britain, Australia, India , South America or South-East Asia.

We can also validly conclude that there is a high proportion of European names, particularly Northern European and the USSR. The Mediterranean countries, the Middle East and Northern Africa are also focal points. None of this is really unexpected but it does add weight to the idea that they are a result of Nostradamus and not a fabrication by me through the use of carefully selected names.

It is easy for any analyst to believe that Nostradamus' Prophecies applies to their own efforts, time and place but the data is as it is not what we might want it to be. But of even greater import is that Nostradamus specified the countries in which he was interested and it is exactly the profile uncovered through the anagrams.

  • Most of [my prophetical calculations] have been integrated with astronomical calculations corresponding to years months and weeks, regions, countries and most of the towns and cities of all Europe, including Africa and part of Asia, where most of these coming events are to transpire.... Nostradamus  in first part of his Epistle to Henry, 1558

I believe that this evidence I am producing through these lists does more to validate Nostradamus was a prophet than any other writings I can produce.

I make this claim because the material shows that Nostradamus' instructions in his two prefaces to his prophecies are valid even though the medium through which they are exposed is based on a knowledge of discoveries and language not known in Nostradamus' time.

In earlier papers I have shown that other instructions in the prefaces are also valid and together they dictate a constraint on the reading of Nostradamus' Prophecies. That constraint is this: Nostradamus' statements on his own work are not throw-away lines but form the core for any serious analysis.

The exploration of my data moves me closer to that serious analysis for there are patterns formed in various locations that are worthy of further examination. Amongst the many hypotheses regarding Nostradamus' focal points that I will list in the next section are the genocides of World War II, the radiation legacy of the Chernobyl Disaster and fuel-related terrorism. Those just given emerge via the following linked words (see List of Locations)

  • Germany III.57.3(session), Germans I.42.2(fanatic)  I.80.4(nitrogen)   II.52.3(carnage) VI.55 4(executed)  X.59.2(regulation)   X.78.3(alarms)
  • Russia II.84.4 (fluorates) VI.18.1(pollutes) X.47.4 (uranyl), Russian II.1.1(urania, positron)   
  • Uqraine IV.6.3(climate, actinoid)   V.3.4(nuclearised)
  • Belarusia   IV.56.(affliction, curatives) Belarusian V.35.3 (atmospherical, gasoline, atoms)
  • African V.44.3(fanatic party) Africa  I.62.2(deluged)  II.40.2(Europeans)  IV.32.3(pharmaceutist) II.57.3(capital)  

What was Nostradamus' goal?

Before I present the themes that are to be found in my list of anagrams about future events I need to place  Nostradamus' prophecies in a proper context. It always concerns me when people think these prophecies were written as a dire warning to avert their happening for this cannot be since to produce a warning that counteracts the prophecy is an impossible contradiction. It is equally as implausible that they should be written as an "I told you so" ego-trip of someone who has seen the end-of the-world.

The major hypothesis that I propose at this time is that Nostradamus' writings are indeed prophetic but that his motivation was a diagnosis of mankind's emerging illness. Nostradamus was a physician and he would on many occasions have given a diagnosis that didn't have a remedy or a suitable prescription. This particular diagnosis, as given in his Prophecies, seems to me to be like a medical check-up with attendant risks spelled out and a drawing of the attention to things needing some cautionary action or a modification of lifestyle. (See my 2016 series on the Jesus Clone for Nostradamus' major motivator)

Accordingly I put forward another hypothesis, although we will find specific events recorded in Nostradamus writings at both the visible and the hidden level, this is not the motivation for Nostradamus' writings

I further hypothesise that whenever Nostradamus presents an event it was meant to help us to define his focus. His entries are not a grab-bag of loose ends without a narrative but to the contrary Nostradamus wrote a consistent organised body of knowledge serving a specific intent.

As this work of mine unfolds I believe we will see this many times. For instance I already feel confident enough to say that Nostradamus' interest in World War II was the way in which it redefined death of the masses. The aftermath of that war has not seen a better morality emerge, despite outrage and short-term desires, but just a readjustment of thought to allow mass destruction at a conscience-easing distance.

Although the evidence of Nostradamus' interest war wasn't presented until a later stage I raise it here to show what I thought would become my future works.  In 2009 I wrote:

I believe I can establish that the focal point of Nostradamus examination of the world is the imperceptible momentum of irreversible value changes. And further, the reason such a glacial change in thinking cannot be wound-back is that our destiny is driven between the wedge of technology and the baggage of man's past.

There was a watershed in the 16th century and over the intervening five hundred years mankind has evolved to be a different animal. Who we are today cannot be undone; we can't go back to the people we were. It's not our hands, our feet or even our brain that has evolved to any great extent but the change is a permanent part of us nonetheless. Although it isn't something physical that has happened to our species the potential for the change has been increasing for thousands of years. We are a different animal because the universe is now partly under our control.

Our intellect has given us our technology and untied the knots to many of nature's secrets. This is what makes us different to our ancestors for now our actions take us where no other plant or creature could ever go. I believe that Nostradamus also held these views and tried to detail those that would prove most permanent. When he chose to place his message as a composite of past, present and future he was telling us of his concern for the wedge of technology grating against the baggage of man's past. When he wrote that his themes were the great mutations of mankind it is the immutable changes in human behaviour brought on by technology that he is addressing, especially those that need to change but cannot because of how we evolved. And again he addresses the wedge when he says he will present "the great events, sad, prodigious and calamitous events that in due time will fall upon the principal worshippers.  First upon the temples of God".

It is with this perspective in place that I can now proceed to set out the ideas that should be tested further.

Hypotheses for a Chaotic World.

One of the major reasons I have gone to the trouble of collating my data for my list of anagrams about future events is that it allows me to present a method of analysis that would normally take too much space. Through the device of these lists I can show the links between verses and ideas without having masses of text to obscure the view and it is certainly proving useful to me as I prepare to move ahead with the analysis of the future. It is the clusters around consistent themes that are most striking and yet despite their often apparent meaningfulness they can still be totally imaginary. They are however a powerful guide as to what is needed next since by identifying unusual themes I can then present a collection of those verses and find whether their connectivity has any further support.

One of the prominent themes that emerges is that there is a terrorist action arising out of Africa involving bacteria. The plot seems to be located in Northern Europe and its mechanism for delivery is the wind systems, the storms and the tempests. It is my intent to explore this as my first hypothesis.

A second theme centres around eugenics, the science of planned breeding, and it has threads that imply it may well be the story of the experiments in the Nazi death camps.

A third theme involves the power / energy industry. It too seems to be linked to terrorism but it has another focus of power-plays leading to wars.

There is one overriding hypothesis I will be testing as I believe that each of these themes is there to show the dilemma arising out of the super-fast evolution of technological-man. Terrorism illustrates the mechanisms at work since its is a by-product of other changes especially ones that enhance and entrench inequality of any kind. Terrorism is an example of adaptation and we tend to know its evil and use this to justify a disregard of its origin. We seek the terrorist's destruction when destruction is not possible, for they are like hydra, with each death proving the spring for another acolyte. Their persistent existence is typical of the forms found during any rapid evolutionary stage since predatory and destructive-agencies freely multiply.

Terrorism is as much a part of technological evolution as is the satellite system it so frustratingly evades. This is the uncomfortable truth of our times that our success has yet to be absorbed by the system and the greatest shocks are yet to evolve.

We could make the adjustments that would lessen the harshness that accompanies rapid evolution but mankind has form that suggests this won't happen; our history is against the achievement of such an outcome. We are increasingly made aware that our knowledge of how to release and use the energy of the universe makes us a different species from men and women of the past where the pace of technology was tied to the society's ability to keep up.

But over the last five centuries there has been unprecedented growth in technology and its pace has constantly escalated.  As a result and despite continuing efforts by societies, cultures, politicians and churches we perceive our institutions fragment or ossify as we proceed. Unfortunately it is in these institutions that the barriers to an easy future lie.

We do know that all institutions and individuals, being, at root, self-interested, react badly to change when there is no direct benefit to themselves. Generations are required before acceptance of the inevitable takes place and in-between there is a constant shoring-up of small castle walls.

All the changes in technology that have taken place mean that the conditions affecting the running of man's affairs are out of step with our physical powers.

The dire impact of change is immutable since resistance is locked within independent cells whose combined inertia and self-interests ensure the institutions cannot and will not address the social issues that technologic evolution requires.

It is here that our history offers us the worst of futures since war has always been the inevitable resolver of any dilemma's man has faced. Wars and attendant horrors rage, new despots and institutions come and go, revolutions and counter-revolutions burn the people and the land until finally the future is unlocked and the past is cleansed away.  
But terrorism is not the only face of unwanted adaptation.  

The advent of nuclear knowledge has also created a wedge between the tool and the supposed master. Foremost amongst the risks is the possibility of horrendous physical change by misadventure and dastardly use of atomic materials and devices.

Our national institutions with all their interlocking cells make planned progress difficult and make it possible for  rogue states and groups to have the type of access that we may all learn to fear. It is easy to point out that Government by nation-states doesn't fit with the technologies we now have at our disposal. Yet the change in the way nationhood works faces the greatest reactionary forces and this inevitably come sfrom all points of society, politics and business. Mankind has proven reluctant to make such big changes and yet we are out of step with who we now are, petty tyrants of a minor universe.

The issue of climate change shows us, via the open-wound of television, how divided and reactionary we really are, how impotent are national leaders in dealing with any planetary crisis. Technology has breached the walls of nationhood, it is a global force that needs global responses.
And all this about the climate, nuclear science and  terrorism is of course equally true for eugenics and the even bigger challenge presented by eternal population growth. The pace of technological change far outmatches the pace of social and institutional change yet the pace of each is set at its natural rate.

In nature it is the disparity between the rates of change that leads to dramatic evolutions and we can know with certainty that this tumultuous interface lies ahead of us, immutably so.  However, the outcome of wars, terror and unwanted horrors will be that one day mankind will have a society that is planetary based not island, state or continent centric.

I can know all this without an ability to see visions of the future for it is written firmly into the history of the universe and is as natural as the birth and death of stars.

We aren't looking at the End-of-Days but just another ongoing realignment with nature My interest is not so much in what is obvious but that which still remains concealed. For me that is the mystery of what my research really means. I want to know the extent to which Nostradamus had access to the future. The technological terms enfolded into the anagrams implies he could access more than we would consider credible.

So are these patterns part of my own knowledge or are they solely based in Nostradamus' visions?


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