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Nostradamus on events disastrous & causative in the Adriatic at the time of vast earthquakes

© Allan Webber June 2018, Aug 2020.

This paper presents my Sephirot Chart of Ciphers covering Pannonia's (central Europe & Balkans) involvement in the religious wars that take place later in this century. It takes its ciphers from Nostradamus' Epistle to Henry 1558 where the Adriatic is mentioned. In doing so it establishes the pattern of ciphers found in the passages in the Epistle matches that found in the verse of the Prophecies.

Frequency of  & topic relevant anagrams  found in Nostradamus' Prophecies:

C5 Q19 1: pupal, enlargement, 2: enflame, figleaf, 3: uuetter, bandages, 4: lady, brang, 5: error, female, grab, 6: Apache, serenader, 7: deserter, element,

C9 Q31 1: chastising, segregation, teachings, Basques, retreated, 2: abysms, determent, appeal, chassis, abyss, 3: deterrent, 4: giants, abysm, 6: emblems, 7: genitor , fonder, chains,

C2 Q52 1: neutralist, Cithaeron, reimplant, starletter, arrogance, uuisest, 2: unlegislated, Sephirothene, literatures, Laplanders, exuvial, pediments, imperant, upstream, carnages, uuinters, suitors, 3: unlisted, despume, 4; amputees, therein / neither, 5: insulated, uplands, 6 spirulate, offers, murex, arranges,

C3 Q23 1: commentator, quantifiers, seemliest, spaces, 2: countless, easterliness, Hreidmar, harmed, Francis, merely, escapes, 3: gutsily, consult, neutrons, timeless, plumeless, taxed, 4: aquifers, traverse, unrests, closes, harder, tugs, 5: slump, unseats, ugly, outlets, Mahomet, regalness, rely, 8: sunset, comet, furies,  

C5 Q27 1: Magdalen themes, envisioned, atmosphere, 2: metaphors, arousement, enumerates, potash, 3: ornaments, galleons, totems, pandered, 4: Norseman, temblor, trodden, path, 5: legator, agendas, 6: atoms, manager, refute, 8 Abdera, feature, aligned,

C9 Q60 1: Barcelona, mealtimes, dilemmas, barnacle, Baltic, 2: melisma, denigrator, resemblant, Tunisia, tumbler, 3: misarranged, promotion, Metatrons, trembles, mislead, barren, 4: minds, agenesis, transport, 5: resources, 6: resemble, 7: corner, genitor, rotates,

C2 Q86 1: earthly-soul, responded, seismometric, layouts, Michel-Nostredame-stories handed, 2: neutralises, Mahometen, terrestrial, emblems, commits, carried, 4: Egypt, presses, 5: Elamites, esoteric, 6: comets, resemble, 7 : Rafuna, Homam, type, 10: story

C2 Q32 1: Duc d'Orleans, 2: gangster, Goering, 3: escalating, animators, represents, unsocial, casting, 4: gangs, stranded. 5: enabled, debase, 6: conflicts, arranges, aldermen, enclones, Tsarinas, Satanic, blades, datedness, 8: contend,

C2 Q55 1: consolidate, riverhead, planetoidal, pollinated, flotilla, reinferred, Pentagon, 2: pollinate, antipode, reacquire, Saxon, galleon, cameras, inferred, 7: Ierusalem, pilot, value, scam,

C3 Q21 1: Alfaquin, possible, anti-female, hardened, 2: Hreidmar, underpraise, Esclarmonde, 3: deface, 4: Tsunami, hoarders, quieted, 5: hardier, Quietque, rift, inflate, crust, 7: damsel / medals, passion, 9: emeralds,

After this the barren Dame of great power will be received by the people from the second of two nations. But the first are made obstinate by [she] who has all power over the second and so a third [nation] will extend their forces towards the circuit of the East of Europe where, in the Pannonias (North-eastern Adriatic ) they will be profligate and die. And by sea the navy will extend to Adriatic Sicily. Nostradamus' 1558 Henry Epistle [HEE10]


The arks built by the Warriors of ancient times will accompany them to the waves of Neptune. In the Adriatic there will be great discord and that which will have been united will be separated. Nostradamus' 1558 Henry Epistle [HEE22]

The common theme in these two passages is war in the Adriatic that involves the Barren Lady's family.

By clustering verses from the Prophecies using these links some further very intriguing threads are found. These conform to Nostradamus’ claims about the content of his stories and his need to hide them until the world was in a position to better understand them.

In this cluster the majority of the important links come directly from the wording in Nostradamus' text not the anagrams. However anagrammatic terms such as seismometric, layouts, temblor (quake), atmosphere, comets, potash and atoms are clear definers of the ongoing story line so far outlined but aren't part of the quotes from the epistle. The additional element is the environmental and physical disruption during the quoted period..

For instance in the Sephirot for Pannonian wars C10 Q62 line 2 says The herald of Bude will come to warn which is hard to understand on its own. This overcome in the Sephirot by its tie to  C2 Q86 line 4  which says The Herald surrendering himself is appointed to cry out while C2 Q32 line 3 says A great cry will sound through all Slavonia. From these we know that the herald who comes from Budapest (ancient Budes) warns of impending danger. He clearly is meant to surrender himself after crying out a warning as the attack begins. We also know he is in Slovenia at that time.

Adriatic War, Nostradamus and comet strikeMany of the verses are united by the concept of the earth undergoing great shaking particularly in places in the eastern Mediterranean and its offshoot seas (Adriatic, Aegean and Black seas). And out of the content hidden in the anagrams, emerge themes that seemingly challenge the laws of chance by their relevance and affirmation of ideas expressed elsewhere in Nostradamus' writings. For instance the author's name Michel Nostredame is found in C2 Q86. It is a compound anagram bound in with the anagram for stories (Michel-Nostredame stories) but the whole anagrams for story, comets,  travel and seismometric also exist in the same line.

So from the input of this verse we are led to deduce that Nostradamus' vision foresaw the destructive power of a passing comet upon the Earth and its influence on the future of mankind. It appears that the greatest impact is in the eastern Mediterranean but its happening triggers a pending war and this in turn results in the central European nations endorsing the concept of a scientifically resurrected Jesus. However the leader they choose has biological flaws arising out of the process giving him creation. All this found within the cluster as well as the story of the Barren Lady's part in the process.

Given this amount of detail combined with descriptions of flood-wreaked havoc given in the cluster we can further deduce that these events are likely to occur in the period from 2100 to 2110.

This chart has strong connections to the Chart on the Barren Lady and the Pannonian Wars

The Sephirot I present below illustrates each of the points made above. Access to their full verse analyses is available using the following links:

  C5 Q19 C9 Q31 C2 Q52 C3 Q23 C5 Q27 C9 Q60 C2 Q32 C2 Q86 C3 Q21 C2 Q55
Chart of Nostradamus' verses war, quake, Jesus clone events in Adriaticwars











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