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The once Barren Lady: mother of the Princes of war

© Allan Webber April 2018, Aug 2020 

Frequency of  & topic relevant anagrams  found in Nostradamus' Prophecies:

C5 Q84 1: obscurest, graduations, mimetic, UUargod, exurban, 2: arseniate, sobs, 3:  acidness, heretic, plaud, summer, curses, 5: Aurora, ascends, 6: utters / truest, 7: issuance, Taurids,

C8 Q19 1: sub-relation, formated , 2: preconsult, recalls, smellier, gaseous, debacle, quacce, morose, 3: cells, mesotrons, 4: turbines / tribunes, cappe, 5: triangles, useable, bounties, 6: marchers, 8: Montrose / Rosemont games. 9: Marseille, altering, casque, tubes, 11: usages,

C5 Q09 1: supersacerdotal, participance, Polar-stars, forenamed, family, framed, 2: naturalised, foreman, propels, 3: Eleusian, wheel, Mayan, famed, Jeuus, 4: sapropel, insulate, module, Australien, neutralise, pipe, 6: platter, radiates, 7: Saturniel. facet, 8: forment, found, 9: Graals, model, fact, 10: many garlands, 11: traded, frame,

C3 Q44 1: families,  astuteness, deflouuered, adventurists, dispense, Mollah, 2: preassigned, flavoured, uneasiest, grieves, status, hall, 3: prearranges, enterprises, misquote, Quqite, 4: demotes, upsets, 5: spreading, Quitaque, presager, sentries, agrieve, fouled, modest, statute,

C10 Q25 1: Oberon, microsomal, simulator, turmoils, graduate, borrouu, 2: Hectors, carthorse, insertable, debris, gloat, 3: macroseism, outraged, baseline, threads, barren, 4: issues, uuorried, reborn, 5: Messias, agendas, 6; charter, 7: brains, genez, passage,

C7 Q18 1: miseducates, chiasmal, purchase, piuotal, sixtus, assumed, academe, sixtus, 2: leprousness, foreparents, chapels, hails, 3: pigments, studies, auuoqe, prefers, 4: eparchs, Medusa, issues, 5: fuses 6: sullies, Chessel, 7: septimal. pastime, 8: uproars, suits, 9: sporules,

C2 Q44 1: illusional, pillages, apheses, 2: disturbed, epilogues, allusion, exundate, lessened, 3: Madelaine, uuarped, 4: unopened, epidural, archers, 5: Essonian, signal, subtree, 6: brutes, saddle, rebuts, 7: unrestored, ceys, 10: Essene, tubes,11: easy, anion,2 nations, deuteron,

C7 Q09 1: scurvied, absence, importance 3: streamlines, Madelaine, guardians, elseuuhere, balances, condense, carbine, prayers, hamlet, sentry, 4: ascendable, rosary, sorry, 5: uuheelers, uroedema, finances, Maltese, sword , 6: eternalism, drugs, 7: grandson, 8: repays, guards,

C9 Q60 1: Barcelona, mealtimes, dilemmas, barnacle, Baltic, 2: denigrator, resemblant, tumbler, melisma, Tunisia, 3: misarranged, promotion, Metatrons, trembles, mislead, barren, 4: transport, minds, agenesis, 5: resources, 6: resemble, undreamt, ulcerous, 7: genitor, rotates, corner, 8: monitor, 9: Easterner, matters, 10: angrier, motion, maids, 11; confer, rebels,

C8 Q25 1: leucoderma, underlays, resampled, uuayfarer, 2:precarious, lauuyeress, couuered, coutiere, uuarfare unalarmed, 4: Leopards, forum, repealed, 5: Eucrite, drops. 6: Rafaels, essay, 7: Yesus, damsel, 8: surely, 9: alarmed, adorn, 10: touun, furore

This chapter presents the Sephirot Chart covering one of the main characters in Nostradamus' Epistle summary of future events. The Barren Lady heads the family involved in the religious wars that reshape mankind's future. The ciphers used to build this Sephirot are the terms barren, great lady and family as found in the relevant parts of the 1558 Epistle.

For God will take notice of the long barrenness of the great dame, who thereupon will conceive two principal children. But she will be undermined because of the temerity of the age. It is in the 18th that she is undermined by death. She will not pass her thirty-sixth and she will leave three males, and one female, and of these two will not have had the same father... 1558 Henry Epistle (HEE8a).

It is only when these ciphers are in place that the terminology prominent in their text can be explained. For instance references to mountain wars and unidentifiable cities become more relevant in a world where land as we know it has been transformed by massive floods. Once gathered by these linking ciphers a tale unfolds from this verse cluster that relates to other aspects in the above quote. In so doing they offer detail and cohesion to the elements of the family structure outlined above.

Women don't play a central role in Nostradamus' Prophecies and they generally only come into prominence for their part in the stories of lineage, adultery, and untoward influence upon their families. However one identifiable pattern is presented in the Epistle of 1558 and this relates to the tale of one particular mother, the once Barren Lady, whose children's lives and deaths determine the course of the 22nd century wars of religion. This woman is the locus from which the resurrected Jesus line proceeds.

In the Epistle Nostradamus refers to this woman being barren but remarkably leaving four children. The title he bestows upon her raises our attention and thereby signals its likely use as an important cipher.

To refer to a fertile woman who was childless as barren was a common slander in older times but in Nostradamus' work it refers to something far more notable. The only other place where it is used is also in the Epistle where it alludes to a family line that has long died out.

It is in this sense that it can be reconciled since modern technology may one day be capable of locating DNA in ancient bones and re-injecting strands that have disappeared from a family's line back into the male chromosome. This Great Lady's influence is expanded a little by further references in the Epistle.

After this the barren Dame of great power will be received by the people from the second of two nations. But the first are made obstinate by [she] who has all power over the second [generation] and so a third will extend their forces towards the circuit of the East of Europe where, in the Pannonias (North-eastern Adriatic ) they will be profligate and die...1558 Henry Epistle (HEE10a)

Then there will come out of the stem which had remained barren for so long, proceeding from the 50th parallel, one who will renew the whole Christian Church..11558 Henry Epistle  (HEE13a).

The story of the once Barren Lady's descendants contained in the Epistle tells us that there are two principal children who carry on the ideas on which the Christian Church were founded while a closer examination of the anagrams in the lettering of the verse cluster shown below reveals her offspring are created from 'Jesus' DNA.

The youngest of them will sustain and augment the Christian monarchy, elevate sects and suddenly cast them down, Arabs retreat, kingdoms unite and new laws are promulgated...11558 Henry Epistle  (HEE8a).

The second [child] is more reverent and advances if accompanied by the Latins. This will become the second way a furious and trembling path to Mount Louis descending [then] to mount the Pyrenees , which will not, however, be translated to the ancient monarchy...1558 Henry Epistle  (HEE8a).

C5 Q84
He will be born of the gulf and unmeasured city,
Born of obscure and dark family
He who the revered power of the great King
Will want to destroy through Rouen and Evreux.

Naistra du gouphre et cite immeſuree
Nay de parents obſcurs et tenebreux
Quand la puiſſance du grand roy reueree
Voudra deſtruire par Rouan et Eureux

It is the genetic implications of these story lines that justify the attention that Nostradamus gives to them in his Epistle. Without such a momentous event as the politics and ideological wars that follow there is no reason to include a family story line into his Epistle, a document he dedicated to a 16thC king. As it stands, isolated from the secret content in the associated verses, this family line in the above quotes is dwarfed by countless other lineages whose members dominated the headlines over the 500 years since Nostradamus' work was published.

Alongside is shown verse C5 Q84 referred to above and beneath it is the verse from the Sephirots about Henry IV. Their linguistic connections are fairly obvious with C5 Q41 affirming the relevance to the blood lines of the kings of France.

But at the same time as he incorporates the tale from the late 21st century into his work he also mirrors events in the 16th that provide the foundation for his story line. Queen Marguerite d'Angouleme, Queen of Navarre was Nostradamus' near neighbour with known links to the physicians of Agen where Nostradamus practiced in the 1530s. Her first marriage to the Duke of Alencon was unfruitful. Upon his death in battle she remarried a member of the Bourbon line and hence became the matriarch of the lineage that would ascend to the throne via her grandson, King Henry III of Navarre and King Henry IV of France.

C5 Q41
Born in the shadows and during a dark day,
He will be sovereign in realm and goodness
He causes his blood to rise again in ancient urn
Renewing the age of gold for that of brass.

Nay ſouz les vmbres et journee nocturne
Sera en regne et bonte ſouueraine
Ferare naiſtre ſon ſang de l'antique vrne
Renouuellant ſiecle d'or pour l'aerain

It is this lineage that provides the framework for Nostradamus' long-sighted vision. And this tale of his near neighbour and likely patron appears in the verse at the head of the Sephirot below.

There is another verse in the cluster C10 Q25 that draws upon a classical reference to define other attributes of the once Barren Lady who becomes the mother of two of the Jesus clones in the late 21st century. The connectionso the passage in the Epistle given at the start of this chapter come through the use of the term great lady in the verse's fourth line of text and the rare anagram for barren (to the passage in the Epistle given at the start of this chapter come through the use of the term great lady in the verse's fourth line of text and the rare anagram for barren (ar Nebr) found in its first line

The mythical tale behind the verse can be seen as that of Achilles 'outrageous' treatment of Hector after the two meet in battle when Hector's corpse is dragged behind a horse drawn cart. In the Iliad Achilles slays Hector. After the battle a garland drops from Andromache's head as she swoons upon seeing her husband's body being dragged by horses towards the Greek fleet. She is one of the three women who sing laments at Hector's funeral. She is therefore the great lady in the orchestra.

C10 Q25
Through the Ebro to open the passage of Bisanne,
Par Nebro ouurir de Briſanne paſſage
barren Oberon uuorried ages pass bride insane brains

Very far away the Tagus make a demonstration:
Bien eſlongez el tago fara mueſtra

In Pelligouxe will the outrage be committed,
Dans Pelligouxe ſera commis l'outrage
                           macroseism turmoils

By the great lady seated in the orchestra.
De la grand dame aſſiſe sur l'orchestra
Hectors carthorse garlanded threads amassed
Earths rules Jesus Messia issues

Additionally she is Hector's wife which is another identifier found in this verse but this time it lies in the anagrams where Hectors (orchest), carthorse (orchestra), and insane(r) bride (ir de B - riſanne) provide strong support for this interpretation.

There is a further allusion in this verse that ties the events affecting the Barren Lady's existence to the fate of the line of Kings that French legends say arose from the seed line of Christ. Oberon (Nebro o) found in the first line is a figure from medieval literature who represents a sorcerer king in the tale of the Merovingian dynasty.

The purpose of this verse with its interweaving of classic tale with a future event is to create a parallel for the future story line while setting out new parameters for time and location. Andromache, wife of Hector, is forced to hide her son in Hector's tomb because the Trojans want to ensure Hector's line does not thrive.

In the story of the Barren Lady her closest family members around her are rendered sterile or killed for similar reasons but she suffers neither of these fates since she is considered barren and is rescued by allied soldiers before she can be slain.

But her blood line's survival comes as a result of one of her captors seducing and raping her before her rescue. For many months she is his mistress and falls pregnant. Knowing her danger she, like Andromeche in the orchestra, turns to a musical device that aids her rescue. She encourages those around her to sound trumpets, cymbals and bells whenever her captor comes near in order to discourage him by fear of his sexual relations being exposed. It is these sounds that guide the soldiers to her location.

This chart has strong connections to the Chart on the Quake comet and Jesus clone events in the Adriatic

The Sephirot I present below illustrates each of the points made above. Access to their full verse analyses is available using the following links:

C5 Q84 C8 Q19 C5 Q09 C3 Q44 C10 Q25 C7 Q18 C2 Q44 C7 Q09 C9 Q60 C8 Q25
Chart of Nostradamus' verses on Central Europe involvement in on 21stC religious wars




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